Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Happy New Year 2007!


Wish you all a rocking and kick ass New Year!

Opps, ignore those adjectives, simply ignore it, and “Wish you and your family a peaceful and fruitful New Year!”

Last Saturday, December 31, 2006 was an inspirational day for me - did not consume a drop of alcohol on that day. Though, never a regular drinker, I like to drink on the social gatherings - New Year party, birthday bash, bachelor party, office party, you name it!

What did I do on that evening? Took out Sonia and Diego for a small drive, ate the delicious
Mughlai Parathas and Egg Rolls prepared by my mom, plunged into a tub of pineapple-flavored ice-cream, watched television till 12, and then wished everyone HNY.

On January 1, 2007, 12.05 am, went to my friends place, which is like 30 minutes drive from my home, drank a nip of Bacardi White Rum and two pegs of Smirinoff Vodka, and returned home around 5 am.

Wish you a very happy 2007!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...